Job status

The job status API returns information about a job, including its completion status, whether or not it was successful, optionally the complete history (all jobs performed on that user), and also optionally, a signed link to the images captured during that job.Unlike the callback, where results are asynchronous and we POST to your server, the job status API is implemented on our servers and you make POST requests to it. Just like any other call to our servers, we use an encrypted signature to verify that you are the sender of the request, and the response will include a signature created by us for verification. You can find instructions on how to sign the request in our documentation.

Request Type: POST

Request Body

    "timestamp": "<Put timestamp here>",
    "signature": "<Put calculated sec_key here>",
    "user_id": "<Put your generated user_id here, this must be the same one you sent with the job>",
    "job_id": "<Put your generated job_id here, this must be the same one you sent with the job>",
    "partner_id": "<Put your partner ID here>",
    "image_links": <true || false>,
    "history": <true || false>

Return Values

Example JSON Response

  "timestamp": "2018-03-13T21:04:11.193Z",
  "signature": "5445722f5af1791eb434949cce9a88dd321e5959fd24a8562ecb12bb00c33fe",
  "job_complete": true,
  "job_success": true,
  "result": {
    "ResultText": "Enroll User",
    "ResultType": "SAIA",
    "SmileJobID": "0000001897",
    "JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
    "IsFinalResult": "true",
    "PartnerParams": {
    "job_id": "52d0de86-be3b-4219-9e96-8195b0018944",
    "user_id": "e54e0e98-8b8c-4215-89f5-7f9ea42bf650",
    "job_type": 4
    "ConfidenceValue": "100",
    "IsMachineResult": "true",
  "image_links": {
    "selfie_image": ""
  "code": "2302",
  "history": [
      "ResultCode": "1210",
      "ResultText": "Enroll User",
      "ResultType": "DIVA",
      "SmileJobID": "0000000857",
      "JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
      "IsFinalResult": "true",
      "PartnerParams": {
        "job_id": "52d0de86-be3b-4219-9e96-8195b0018944",
        "user_id": "1511bf02-801a-4b57-ac8e-ef17e26bfeb4",
        "job_type": "1",
        "optional_info": "Partner can put whatever they want as long as it is a string",
        "more_optional_info": "There can be as much or as little or no optional info"
      "ResultCode": "0814",
      "ResultText": "Provisional Enroll - Under Review",
      "SmileJobID": "0000000857",
      "ConfidenceValue": "97.000000",
      "PartnerParams": {
        "job_id": "52d0de86-be3b-4219-9e96-8195b0018944",
        "user_id": "1511bf02-801a-4b57-ac8e-ef17e26bfeb4",
        "job_type": "1",
        "optional_info": "Partner can put whatever they want as long as it is a string",
        "more_optional_info": "There can be as much or as little or no optional info",
      "DOB": "1990-01-01",
      "IDType": "BVN",
      "Country": "Nigeria",
      "FullName": "Peter Parker",
      "ExpirationDate": "Not Available",
      "IDNumber": "A01234567",
      "ResultCode": "1012",
      "ResultText": "ID Validated",
      "ResultType": "ID Verification",
      "SmileJobID": "0000000857",
      "PartnerParams": {
        "job_id": "52d0de86-be3b-4219-9e96-8195b0018944",
        "user_id": "1511bf02-801a-4b57-ac8e-ef17e26bfeb4",
        "job_type": "1",
        "optional_info": "Partner can put whatever they want as long as it is a string",
        "more_optional_info": "There can be as much or as little or no optional info",
        "ExpirationDate": "Not Available"

Job Status Codes

Depending on the outcome of the job_status call, there is a status code that will be returned. The status code is different from the result code which is the numerical value of the result of the job that was processed.

Last updated