Perform a SmartSelfie Enrollment or Authentication job
SmartSelfie™ Authentication is exposed as a flow which performs the following high level steps:
Displays instructions to the user
Requests camera permissions (if not already granted)
Captures and saves Liveness and Selfie images
Submits the job to the Smile ID API
Delivers the result back to the caller
If you are registering a user for the first time, you should use SmileID.SmartSelfieEnrollment
If you are authenticating a previously registered user, you should use SmileID.SmartSelfieAuthentication
import android.util.Log
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.smileidentity.SmileID
import com.smileidentity.compose.SmartSelfieRegistration
import com.smileidentity.results.SmartSelfieResult
fun SmartSelfieRegistrationExample() {
SmileID.SmartSelfieEnrollment { result ->
when (result) {
is SmileIDResult.Success -> {
val resultData =
Log.d("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Success: $resultData")
// SmartSelfieResult.Success contains: captured selfie file, captured liveness
// files, and latest job status response from the API
val (selfieFile, livenessFiles, jobStatusResponse) = resultData
is SmileIDResult.Error -> {
// There was an error (could be denied camera permissions, network errors, etc)
val throwable = result.throwable
Log.w("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Failure: $it", throwable)
If you are registering a user for the first time, you should use SmartSelfieEnrollmentFragment
If you are authenticating a previously registered user, you should use SmartSelfieAuthenticationFragment
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import com.smileidentity.fragment.SmartSelfieEnrollmentFragment
class JavaActivity : FragmentActivity() {
private fun doSmartSelfieEnrollment() {
val smartSelfieFragment = SmartSelfieEnrollmentFragment.newInstance()
) { _: String?, result: Bundle? ->
val smartSelfieResult = SmartSelfieEnrollmentFragment.resultFromBundle(result!!)
Log.v("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Result: $smartSelfieResult")
when (smartSelfieResult) {
is SmileIDResult.Success -> {
val (selfieFile, livenessFiles, jobStatusResponse) =
// Note: Although the API submission is successful, the job status response
// may indicate that the job is still in progress or failed. You should
// check the job status response to determine the final status of the job.
if (jobStatusResponse.jobSuccess) {
Log.v("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Job Success")
} else if (!jobStatusResponse.jobComplete) {
Log.v("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Job Not Complete")
} else {
Log.v("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Job Failed")
is SmileIDResult.Error -> {
val throwable = smartSelfieResult.throwable
Log.v("SmartSelfieEnrollment", "Error: " + throwable.message)
.replace(, smartSelfieFragment)
When using the Fragment approach, a convenience resultFromBundle static method is provided to help extract a typed object from the result Bundle.
The user ID to associate with the SmartSelfie™ Registration. Most often, this will correspond to a unique User ID within your own system. (If not provided at time of Registration, a random user ID will be generated. This field is required for Authentication)
The job ID to associate with the SmartSelfie™ Registration. Most often, this will correspond to a unique Job ID within your own system. If not provided, a random job ID will be generated.
Whether to allow Agent Mode or not. If allowed, a switch will be displayed allowing toggling between the back camera and front camera. If not allowed, only the front camera will be used.
Allows a partner to enroll the same user id again
Whether to show the Smile ID attribution or not on the Instructions screen
Whether to deactivate capture screen's instructions for SmartSelfie.
Whether to capture images and not Submit to the SmileID api, this will return file paths which can be retrieved for later use.
Custom values specific to partners passed as an immutable map
onResult (Android)
Callback to be invoked when the SmartSelfie™ Registration is complete. The result itself is a SmileIDResult which can either be a SmileIDResult.Success or SmileIDResult.Error
delegate (iOS)
This is the delegate object that is notifed when there is a result from the SmartSelfie™ flow. This class has to conform to SmartSelfieResultDelegate and implement the delegate methods
func didSucceed(selfieImage: Data, livenessImages: [Data], jobStatusResponse: JobStatusReponse) and func didError(error: Error)
Note: Recommend wrapping this in a component that can be navigated to and out of view due to a known issue with views displaying dialogs particularly on failure and the dialog keeps showing,