Get your API Key (take note of the environment you are running the job in)
Get the business information from your users
Submit the Job to Smile ID
Interpret your results
Get your Partner ID
You can find your Partner ID in the menu list when logged into the portal.
Get your API Key
Your api key is in the developer section of the portal.
Click on the Generate New API Key button
Copy your api key (ensure you are in the right environment)
Get the Business Information from your Users
To submit a Business Verification job, you need either the business registration Number or the tax number of your user's business. Depending on the ID type you are attempting to query, the required information varies. For the comprehensive list of required information for each ID Type, check the Supported ID Types section of the docs.
Submit the Job to Smile ID
You can copy the sample code below and edit with your partner and job details.
require'smile-identity-core'# Initializepartner_id = '<Your partner ID>';# login to the Smile ID portal to view your partner idapi_key = '<Your API key>';# copy your API key from the Smile ID portalsid_server = '<0 or 1>';# Use '0' for the sandbox server, use '1' for production serverconnection =, api_key, sid_server)# Create required tracking parameterspartner_params = {job_id:'<put your unique job ID here>',user_id:'<put your unique ID for the user here>',job_type:SmileIdentityCore::JobType::BUSINESS_VERIFICATION};# Create ID info# Create ID infoid_info = {# The country where ID document was issuedcountry:'NG',# The ID document type# Available types BASIC_BUSINESS_REGISTRATION, BUSINESS_REGISTRATION and TAX_INFORMATIONid_type:'<id type>',# The business registration or tax numberid_number:'0000000',# The business incorporation type bn - business name, co - private/public limited, it - incorporated trustees# Only required for BASIC_BUSINESS_REGISTRATION and BUSINESS_REGISTRATION in Nigeriabusiness_type:'co',# Postal address of business. Only Required for BUSINESS_REGISTRATION in Kenyapostal_address:'<postal address>',# Postal code of business. Only Required for BUSINESS_REGISTRATION in Kenyapostal_code:'<postal code>'}# Set the options for the joboptions = {};# Submit the jobresponse = connection.submit_job(partner_params, id_info, options)
Example Response Body
Your response will return a JSON String containing the below:
{"signature":"---","timestamp":"2022-10-17T10:46:49.392Z","SmileJobID":"0000001927","PartnerParams": {"user_id":"kyb_test_user_008","job_id":"001","job_type":7 },"ResultText":"Business Verified","ResultCode":"1012","Actions": {"Return_Business_Info":"Returned","Verify_Business":"Verified" },"company_information": {"company_type":"PRIVATE_COMPANY_LIMITED_BY_SHARES","country":"Nigeria","address":"10, Workbox, Ojora Close, Victoria Island, Lagos","registration_number":"0000000","search_number":"0000000","authorized_shared_capital":"10000000","industry":"Technology Solutions Company","tax_id":"N/A","registration_date":"2016-01-28T16:06:22.003+00:00","phone":"08000000000","legal_name":"SMILE IDENTITY NIGERIA LIMITED","state":"LAGOS","email":"","status":"ACTIVE" },"fiduciaries": [ {"name":"Company X","fiduciary_type":"SECRETARY_COMPANY","address":"10, Workbox, Ojora Close, Victoria Island, Lagos","registration_number":"000000","status":"N/A" } ],"beneficial_owners": [ {"shareholdings":"100000","address":"10, Workbox, Ojora Close, Victoria Island, Lagos","gender":"Male","nationality":"Nigerian","registration_number":"N/A","name":"Joe Bloggs","shareholder_type":"Individual","phone_number":"0123456789" }, {"shareholdings":"700000","address":"1234 Main Street Anytown Anystate 00000 USA","gender":"Not Applicable","nationality":"N/A","registration_number":"000000","name":"XYZ Widget Corporation","shareholder_type":"Corporate","phone_number":"0123456789" } ],"proprietors": [],"documents": {"search_certificate":"" },"directors": [ {"shareholdings":"100000","id_number":"A000000","address":"10, Workbox, Ojora Close, Victoria Island, Lagos","occupation":"CEO","gender":"MALE","nationality":"Nigerian","date_of_birth":"2000-09-20","name":"Joe Doe Leo","id_type":"Passport","phone_number":"0123456789" }, {"shareholdings":"100000","id_number":"A000000","address":"1234 Main Street Anytown Anystate 00000 USA","occupation":"COO","gender":"FEMALE","nationality":"American","date_of_birth":"2000-01-01","name":"Jane Doe","id_type":"Passport","phone_number":"0123456789" } ],"success":true}
Interpret your Results
You can read more about result codes and responses in the Business Verification section of the docs.