Biometric KYC
Perform a Biometric KYC Job
Biometric KYC is exposed as a flow which performs the following high level steps:
Displays instructions to the user
Requests camera permissions (if not already granted)
Captures and saves Liveness and Selfie images
Submits the job to the Smile ID API
Delivers the result back to the caller
fun BiometricKYCExample(idInfo: IdInfo) {
SmileID.BiometricKYC(idInfo = idInfo) { result ->
when (result) {
is SmileIDResult.Success -> {
val resultData =
Log.d("BiometricKYC", "Success: $resultData")
is SmileIDResult.Error -> {
// There was an error (could be denied camera permissions, network errors, etc)
val throwable = result.throwable
Log.w("BiometricKYC", "Failure: $it", throwable)
IdInfo idInfo = new IdInfo(...);
BiometricKYCFragment biometricKycFragment = BiometricKYCFragment
.newInstance(document, R.drawable.my_logo, "My Partner", "My Product",
new URL(""));
(requestKey, result) -> {
SmileIDResult<BiometricKYCResult> biometricKycResult =
Timber.v("BiometricKYC Result: %s", biometricKycResult);
import SwiftUI
import SmileID
struct MyView: View, BiometricKycResultDelegate {
@State private var idInfo: IdInfo
var body: some View {
ZStack {
idInfo: idInfo,
delegate: self
func didSucceed(selfieImage: URL, livenessImages: [URL], didSubmitBiometricJob: Bool) {
print("Successfully submitted Biometric KYC job")
func didError(error: Error) {
print("An error occurred - \(error.localizedDescription)")
let biometricKycScreen = SmileID.biometricKycScreen(...)
let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: biometricKycScreen)
controller.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
navigationController?.present(controller, animated: true)
Navigator.of(context).push( //Requires Navigator.of(context).push in order to load
builder: (BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("SmileID Biometric KYC")),
body: SmileIDBiometricKYC(
country: "KE",
idType: "NATIONAL_ID",
idNumber: "12345678",
showInstructions: true, //Show the instruction screen
onSuccess: (String? result) {
// Your success handling logic
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text("Success: $result"));
Navigator.of(context).pop(); //Return flow to your app
onError: (String errorMessage) {
// Your error handling logic
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text("Error: $errorMessage"));
Navigator.of(context).pop(); //Return flow to your app
⚠️ Note: Recommend wrapping this in a component that can be navigated to and out of view due to a known issue with views displaying dialogs particularly on failure and the dialog keeps showing,
allowAgentMode={false} // true if you need to use the secondary camera
allowGalleryUpload={false} //true if document can be uploaded from gallery
captureBothSides={true} // true if capturing back and front of document
showInstructions={true} // show instructions before capture
country: "<country code>",
idType: "<id type>",
idNumber: "<id number>",
entered: true,
style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} //fill the entire view
onResult={(event) => {
On onResult, you will receive a JSON string following the structure:
"selfieFile": "<path to selfie file>",
"livenessFiles": [
"<path to liveness file>",
"<path to liveness file>",
"<path to liveness file>",
"didSubmitBiometricKycJob": true
Last updated
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