Document Verification

Required Class: WebApi Class

Running Document Verification on Java

  1. Get your Smile ID Partner ID

  2. Get your API Key

  3. Create a Callback Endpoint

  4. Get your user's Selfie images

  5. Get the user's ID document image

  6. Submit the Job to Smile ID

  7. Interpret your results

Get your Partner ID

You can find your Partner ID in the menu list when logged into the portal.

Get your API Key

Your API Key is also in the developer section of the portal.

  • Click on the Generate New API Key button

  • Copy your api key (ensure you are in the right environment)

Generate a new API Key
Copy your API Key

Create a Callback Endpoint

Responses from this product are asynchronous (based on various actions we carry out on the product) and are sent as soon as they are ready, you will need to setup a callback when submitting a job. You can read about creating a Callback URL here.

Get the User's Selfie

To successfully run document verification jobs you need to submit the user's selfie. There are two types of selfies that can be submitted

  • Selfie - a single colour-image selfie of user

  • (optional but required for proof of live) Liveness images - 8 colour images of user

The selfies can either be submitted as files (with the path to the image specified during submission) or as base64 encoded strings.

We recommend that you use our Web SDK to capture both of these types of images

Get the ID Document Image from your User

In addition to the user's selfie, we also need an image of the ID document to complete a document verification job. We will also need the country of issuance of the ID document and the document type. For the full list of document types we support, you can check the Supported Documents section of the docs. To check the authenticity of the document, we require high resolution images, please read the minimum specification of the document image and best practices in document verification product page.

Submit the Job to Smile ID

You can copy the sample code below and edit with your partner and job details.

String partnerId = "<Put your partner ID here>";
String defaultCallback = "<Put your default callback url here>";
String apiKey = "<Put your API key here>";
String sidServer = "< 0 || 1 >";  // Use '0' for the sandbox server and '1' for production

WebApi connection = new WebApi(partnerId, apiKey, defaultCallback, sidServer);
// Create required tracking parameters
Map<String, Object> optionalInfo = new HashMap(); // map of optional parameters partner uses to track jobs. can be left empty
PartnerParams params = new PartnerParams(JobType.DOCUMENT_VERIFICATION, "<unique ID for user>", "< unique job ID >", optionalInfo);

// Create image list
// ImageType - This infers to either a file or a base64 encoded image, but not both.
// If using base 64 encoded image, pass in the encoded string as the second parameter and set fileName to null.
// If using file, set image parameter to null and filename to path to file
// ImageType.SELFIE - Selfie image jpg (if you have the full path of the selfie)
// ImageType.SELFIE_BASE64 - Selfie image jpg base64 encoded (if you have the base64image string of the selfie)
// ImageType.LIVENESS - Liveness image jpg (if you have the full path of the liveness image)
// ImageType.LIVENESS_BASE64 - Liveness image jpg base64 encoded (if you have the base64image string of the liveness image)
// ImageType.ID_CARD - Front of ID document image jpg (if you have the full path of the selfie)
// ImageType.ID_CARD_BASE64 - Front of ID document image jpg base64 encoded (if you have the base64image string of the selfie)
// ImageType.ID_CARD_BACK - Back of ID document image jpg (if you have the full path of the selfie)
// ImageType.ID_CARD_BACK_BASE64 - Back of ID document image jpg base64 encoded (if you have the base64image string of the selfie)

List<ImageDetail> imageDetails = new ArrayList<>();

ImageDetail selfie = new ImageDetail(ImageType.SELFIE, null, "< path to file >");
ImageDetail liveness = new ImageDetail(ImageType.LIVENESS_BASE64, "< base 64 encoded liveness >", null);
ImageDetail idDocument = new ImageDetail(ImageType.ID_CARD, null, "< path to file >");
ImageDetail backOfIdDocument = new ImageDetail(ImageType.ID_CARD_BACK_BASE64, "< base 64 encoded image >", null);

imageDetails.add(liveness); // not required if you dont require proof of life. photo check will still be performed on selfie
imageDetails.add(backOfIdDocument); // Optional, only use if you're uploading the back of the id document image

IdInfo idInfo = new IdInfo("< 2 letter country code >", "< id type >");

// Options for the job
boolean returnJobStatus = false; // Set to true if you want to get
// the job result in sync (in addition to the result been sent to
// your callback). If set to false, result is sent to callback url only
boolean returnHistory = false; // Set to true to receive all of the
// updates you would otherwise have received in your callback as
// opposed to only the final result. You must set return_job_status
// to true to use this flag.
boolean returnImageLinks = false; // Set to true to receive links to
// the selfie and the photo it was compared to. You must set
// return_job_status to true to use this flag.
String callBackUrl = "< optional callback url to use for this job only >";
Options options = new Options(returnHistory, returnImageLinks, returnJobStatus, callBackUrl);

connection.submitJob(params, imageDetails, idInfo, options);

Last updated