Getting Started

The Smile ID SDKs are all available on Mavern Central

This SDK is deprecated and will receive limited support. Please adopt the v10 SDK:


  1. Before attempting integration head over to the Smile ID Portal and sign up for an account

  2. On the Smile ID Portal download a config file from here (DO NOT SHARE THIS FILE WITH ANYONE OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION). You can download your Smile ID config file again at any time. Please do not edit the contents of this file.

  3. From version 7.3.5(smile-id-sdk) and or version 0.1.5 you will need to generate a signature key from here (This is a change compared to earlier versions, which used to work with a Sec Key)

Supported Versions

Minimum supported version is Android 4.4 (API 19)

Maximum supported version is Android 13 (API 33)

Last updated