The physical ID Capture introduces a way to capture photos of physical ID documents
Steps to implementation
Step 1
In your layout file add the SmartCardView. We advise on giving the view as much real estate as possible so match parent on both height and width is advisable
<!--optional fields for customisation-->
app:faceDetectedMessage="Custom face detected message"
app:blurryMessage="Custom message for when capture is blurry"
app:insufficientLightMessage="Custom message for when there is insufficient light"
app:fitIdMessage="Custom message informing the user to fit the id on the rectangle and tap for focus"
app:flashMissingErrorMessage="Custom flash missing error message"
app:loadingMessage="Custom message for when ID capture is loading"
app:detectingFaceMessage="Custom message for when ID capture face detection is in progress"
app:noFaceDetectedMessage="Custom no face detected message"
app:capturedBlurryMessage="Custom blurriness detected in captured image"
app:capturedDarkMessage="Custom darkness detected in captured image"
Step 2
Initialize the view in your view controller as normal and set the listener so that the SDK can pass back information on the capture
The start capture method will display the view which should look like below
The method has a couple of possible errors that should be catered for this is important to make sure users get the best user experience and for handling possible failures gracefully.
//When camera initialisation fails
//when no listener is set
//When an empty or invalid tag is set
//If your app does not have camera permissions
//If the camera fails to process the captured image
Step 5
Implement pausing on the capture to handle view lifecycles
public void onSmartCardViewError(Exception error) {
//todo:handle this
public void onSmartCardViewComplete(Bitmap idCardBitmap, boolean faceFound) {
//idCardBitmap the captured id card image
//faceFound true if a face was found on the ID
public void onSmartCardViewClosed() {
//User pressed X and the ID Card has been closed
ID Capture Custom Messaging
To enable customization and internationalization from version 7.1.0 the ID Capture allows messaging customization through out the whole capture process as demonstrated in step 1