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Last updated
The physical ID Capture introduces a way to capture photos of physical ID documents
In your layout file add the SmartCardView. We advise on giving the view as much real estate as possible so match parent on both height and width is advisable
Initialize the view in your view controller as normal and set the listener so that the SDK can pass back information on the capture
Set your desired id type, this is an instance of IDType enum with options
Idcard => Aspect ratio 1.4 or normal credit card sized IDs
Passport => Aspect ratio 1.6 or normal passbort booklet sized IDs
Other => will default to 1.4 aspect ratio
Start Capture, typically this should be called in your onResume so that the view maintains state with the implementing Activity/Fragment
The start capture method will display the view which should look like below
The method has a couple of possible errors that should be catered for this is important to make sure users get the best user experience and for handling possible failures gracefully.
Implement pausing on the capture to handle view lifecycles
Error handling and callbacks from the ID Capture
To enable customization and internationalization from version 7.1.0 the ID Capture allows messaging customization through out the whole capture process as demonstrated in step 1