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This is the core part of a Smile ID job configuration which has information on how information should be sent and has 7 main methods
This is the core part of a Smile ID job configuration which has information on how information should be sent and has 7 main methods
Takes a parameter of class RetryOnFailurePolicy which is described below
2.setMode setSmileIdNetData
Takes a parameter of the enum SIDConfig.Mode described below\
3. setSmileIdNetData
Takes a parameter of the class SIDNetData described below
4. � setGeoInformation
Takes a parameter of class GeoInfos described below
�Takes a parameter of class SIDMetadata which is is an object used to send two different kinds of metadata the first one being the User id information and partner parameters which can be associated with jobs to instantiate the metadata object you do the below
6. useIdCard
Takes a boolean parameter confirming if this job has an id card image associated with it
From version 6.4.2 there is added functionality to set custom callback using the SDK, this can be done by using the SIDNetData class. After setting the other settings in this class then call the methodsetCallBackUrl
as in the example below
If the call back URL is not set from the SDK it will always default to the setting on the backend.
For more information on this checkout
Takes an integer parameter and sets the job type for more information on this checkout
More information on callback URL can be found
This is the core part of a Smile ID job configuration which has information on how information should be sent and has 7 main methods