Release Notes

This SDK is deprecated and will receive limited support. Please adopt the v10 SDK:


  • Fixed issue with reenrolling user using the .setAllowNewEnroll method on the config

  • Fixed issue with updating a user on file selfie using the .setUseEnrolledImage

    method on the config


  • Downgrade minimum iOS version to iOS 12

  • Improvements to BVN consent screens


  • Improvements to BVN consent screens


  • Add BVN consent screens


  • Update minimum iOS version to iOS 13 from iOS 11


  • Add support for Xcode 14

  • Fix crash when presenting SIDSelfieCapture screen


  • IOS auth smile fix for when local callback url is not set


  • Fix callback error when submitting a job without setting a callback on the portal

  • Missing extra partner params in the portal fix


  • Document capture cropping fixes

  • Document capture hide navigation bar for better cropping on different devices


  • Dark mode opt out for selfie,consent,selfie review and document capture screens

  • Added optional builder.setPendingViewController(pendingViewController: self) for where self is a view controller and builder is an instance of SIDCaptureManager to cater for navigation issues when no root view controller is reachable


  • Introduced Smile UI similar to the android SDK for making sure there is less time in integration using the SIDSelfieViewController and the SIDIDCardViewController classes

  • Introduced the new and improved ID Card capture with all it's views encapsulated instead of an implementation with a lot of views outside the SDK more on this here

  • Introduced a way to query job status for pending jobs in human review using sidResponse.getStatusResponse()?.getJobStatusRequest() in the onEnrolled/ or onAuthenticated response listeners

  • Introduced a way to set the callback url dynamically using the SIDNetData class by calling sidNetData.setCallBackUrl(callbackUrl: "")

  • Bug fixes and major improvements on the face detection algorithms

Last updated