Document Verification

Running Document Verification on Android

  1. Create a Callback Endpoint

  2. Get your user's Selfie images

  3. Get the user's ID document image

  4. Submit the Job to Smile ID

  5. Interpret your results

Create a Callback Endpoint

Responses from this product are asynchronous (based on various actions we carry out on the product) and are sent as soon as they are ready, you will need to setup a callback when submitting a job. You can read about creating a Callback URL here.

Get the User's Selfie

To successfully run Document Verification jobs you need to submit the user's selfie.When using the Smile ID UI please see Presenting Screens and Selfie Configuration on how to present the selfie capture screen and when using the Smile ID SDK please see Smartselfie Capture on how to integrate directly with the selfie capture view.

Get the ID Document Image from your User

In addition to the user's selfie, we also need an image of the ID document to complete a document verification job. We will also need the country of issuance of the ID document and the document type. For the full list of document types we support, you can check the Supported Documents section of the docs. Please see Presenting Screens and ID Capture Configuration on how to present the ID Capture capture screen and when using the Smile ID SDK please see Physical ID Capture on how to integrate directly with the ID Capture view.

Submit the Job to Smile ID

SIDMetadata metadata = new SIDMetadata();

//To get the partner parameters
PartnerParams params  = metadata.getPartnerParams();

SIDMetadata is useful for information that needs to be sent to Smile ID, it provides a way of setting PartnerParams which are useful for sending job related information and SIDUserInfo which is useful for sending user id related information. Once instantiated please reuse the same instance per job but it's important to make sure this is not reused across jobs

PartnerParams partnerParams = metadata.getPartnerParams();
partnerParams.setJobId(<Job ID>);// unique identifier string per job
partnerParams.setUserId();// unique identifier for the user information being processed
partnerParams.additionalValue(<key>,<value>)//string key and value
                                            // for anything etra which you may need associated with the job

The Document Verification product does not require the id_number of the user. Please do not include the id_number key in the userIdInfo Object.

SIDUserIdInfo userIdInfo = metadata.getSidUserIdInfo();

Step 2:Create the config

//Set the environment which can be either
// SIDNetData.Environment.PROD or  SIDNetData.Environment.TEST

SIDNetData data = new SIDNetData(this, SIDNetData.Environment.PROD);

SIDConfig config = new SIDConfig.Builder(this)
.setSmileIdNetData(data) //Environment information
.setGeoInformation(<GeoInfos>)//optional GeoInfos with geo information
.setSIDMetadata(metadata)//the same object with partner params and user id info
.setAllowNewEnroll(<true/false>) ==> will allow reuse of user ids
.useEnrolledImage(<true/false>) ==> will allow to update enrolled selfie
.setJobType(6);//int must be set to 6
.build(<TAG>)// string must be a unique string

Step 4: Submit the Job

SIDNetworkRequest sIDNetworkRequest = new SIDNetworkRequest(<Contect>)
mSINetworkRequest.submit(config)//the object from above

Step 5: Interpret your results

SIDResponse object will contain results returned from the api this contains strongly typed method to get the response as individual items or as json object or as a string, for more information on how to interpret results you can read more about result codes and responses in the Document Verification section of the docs.

Last updated