SDK Error Handling
On failure that are local the SDK will return an error code and a message to inform what went wrong
Camera Errors
Error | Message |
11 | Unable to initialize the selfie camera. |
10 | Your device doesn't support the selfie camera |
14 | ID Capture failed |
16 | ID Card picture callback failed to return image. |
316 | ID Card auto focus failed. |
317 | ID Card touch focus failed. |
18 | ID Card draw view failed. |
9 | ID Card camera initialization failed. |
File Related Errors
Error | Message |
311 | Unable to submit. File packaging error. |
13 | Failed to submit. Could not create ZIP file. |
21 | Data packaging failed, no resources found, or operation has been canceled |
28 | Cannot execute operation, No job found for provided tag |
37 | Packaging failed, Json parsing failed |
767 | Invalid tag format please ensure there are no spaces or special characters in the tag |
Network Errors
Error | Message |
27 | Not Authorized (When the server returns a 401 error) |
12 | Failed to submit. Upload link not received.� |
2210 | Enroll does not exist for specified user. |
15 | Unable to verify user. Authentication failed. |
17 | A network error occurred, Please try again. |
19 | Either operation is timed out or you cancelled the running operation.Please try submitting again. |
22 | Enroll failed. |
25 | Job type requires an ID Card image. |
26 | Authentication failed enroll not found on server |
29 | Auth Smile Request Failed |
30 | Images unusable |
40 | Id validation requires ID Number, ID Type and Country |
2212 | Id validation failed |
Last updated